There has been a revived interest in speed reading recently. Many colleges and local schools are even starting speed reading programs, but does it even work?
Let's take a look at some speed reading myths and see how they stand up to scrutiny.
Hand Motions
Some books, mainly older references, go on-and-on about fancy hand motions, moving in Z or S shapes, and the amazing things you can accomplish just by waving your hands over the words. When these methods are put to the test they fall far short of the claims. There is no magic hand motion that will make you read faster. Some people simply find it easier to use their hand as a pointer and some find it distracting. It simply depends on how your brain is wired. The only fact about hand motions is, if it works for you, use it, if it distracts you, don't use it.
What speeds can people read? What speed qualifies as Speed Reading?
A quick Amazon search reveals some older book systems spouting ludicrous claims of 10,000 words per minute or more. These kinds of numbers have been repeatedly debunked because they are simply made up. No one can read 10,000 words per minute and remember more than a few words. That is not how speed reading actually works and such outrageous numbers as 5,000 or 10,000 words per minute are nothing but marketing gimmicks.
There are documented, real speed readers who have taken no classes. These people picked up the techniques used in speed reading on their own, at an early age. They have had a lifetime to use them and many do not even know they are speed readers. They assume that everyone reads the way they do. The average person reads 200 to 300 words per minute. True speed readers can read 500 to 2500 words per minute but more commonly average around 600 to 1000 maybe 1500 words per minute. That is still a lot faster than 200 words per minute.
Didn't the Air Force Prove Speed Reading works?
The Air Force conducted some research to see how fast someone could recognize a word. This was related to identifying enemy aircraft then later displays and labeling and not actual speed reading. They used a device called a Tachioscope which was a dark screen and flashed a light colored word very fast, then disappeared. The person in front of the screen then had to identify the word. It turns out that a person can identify the word even if it is only shown for hundredths of a second. This does not in itself prove speed reading. It does prove that a person can recognize a word on-sight without using the normal sub-vocalization reading process. The technique used by the Air Force was not meant to test speed reading, but it does prove that the human brain can take in information much faster than many people thought. This technique itself will not teach speed reading either. It only proves a concept. It does not teach speed reading.
Speed Reading is fake. What good is speed reading if you dont have any comprehension?
This is one of the most annoying posts I see on message boards and it is always posted by someone who has never actually tried a real speed reading system or tried it for ten minutes and quit.
The act of asking the question proves that the person asking has no experience with speed reading because this is simply not how the process works. Many nay-sayer's like to claim that there is no comprehension or understanding of what is read when speed reading. That is simply false. They fail to say that 'they' cannot comprehend, and instead claim that no one can comprehend. The real comprehension problem is with the individual who has either not followed a legitimate speed reading training system, or has not developed the skills needed to understand what they are reading.
In speed reading, you must first learn the mechanics of the new reading method. Once your brain can process those mechanics, then you build comprehension. Remember back when you were first learning to read. You would sound out each word in a sentence, read several sentences about the adverntures of Dick and Jane running, then the teacher would ask you what you read. Your cute little 5 year old face would look up blankly as you said "I dunno" because you had no idea what you read. Your mind was still learning the mechanics of reading. Does this mean that no one can read anything because it is impossible for them to comprehend or remember what they have read? Obviously not. A child must learn the mechanics of reading, then they develop their skills and build comprehension through the 2nd, 3rd, grades. When someone learns speed reading, it is unrealistic to expect to have the same comprehension level when first learning a new way of visually taking in information. Mechanics first, then comprehension. If you see anyone posting on a message board about how 'they' cant comprehend anything they read when speed reading(assuming they ever tried) you can now correct them.
How fast do you read?
Speed Reading is just Skimming isn't it?
Absolutely not. Skimming is just that, skimming for some keywords. Speed reading is the act of reading every word. It is not picking out the hilights and it is not 'getting the general idea'. Speed reading is NOT skimming. If any system tells you they are the same, toss it in the trash because they are trying to sell a Skimming system re-labeled as a speed reading system.
Find out for yourself.
Modern speed reading systems have gained a new popularity with the development of software which makes the training and speed measuring much easier.
You can take a free reading speed test at and see if you read at a normal rate, slow rate, or if maybe you are already a natural speed reader. There you can also sign up for a free online mini-course which teaches you how speed reading works. Give it a try and see how much it can improve your school or work performance. If you have children, imagine how much it could benefit them throughout school.
Take a free reading speed test or sign up for the free mini-course at
Article Source:
Monday, 11 August 2008
Speed Reading Myths by Michael Ford(The Auction Inquisitor)
Labels: evelyn woods, eyeq, Photo Reading, speed reading